The 3rd book in the series Lessons from a Border Collie

Ike and the Shepherd of Psalm 23

This winter, my schedule had been cleared to put myself into a mountain isolation in order to complete the final book in the series of Lessons from a Border Collie.  The time and space allowed me to concentrate on the watercolor paintings and to rewrite the book almost 3 times!  This has been a long process of 2 years, and I thought that this would be the easiest of the 3 books to write.  I had the idea and concepts for 3 years, since I have been teaching these lessons for a long time.  It wasn't until we got Ike our Border Collie that the inspiration of training Ike and painting him came together with the lessons of worship that I have been teaching the children in our church.  This has been a very intense experience, but so rewarding for me.  I hope that children everywhere can learn the meanings behind the verses of the well loved Psalm 23 so that they will follow their Good Shepherd for a lifetime!  Find it on Amazon!



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